I’ve split up our list new acquisitions for the last two months into major practice areas – we have so many great new books, looseleafs, and CPD programs that this might be a bit easier to spot the titles of interest to you. Unfortunately, this left the “Miscellaneous” category at the end (the bane of every librarian everywhere), so I apologize for that, but take heart: a great book for you might be in there if none of the other subject headings apply. These last two months, we’ve received a good number of annual renewals alongside some new editions and brand new titles. A few titles that I’ll highlight are:
A Guide to Breathalyzer Certificates in Canada – This is a new looseleaf publication from Canada Law Book. Part of my selection for this title involved approaching a lawyer in the library that I knew did a lot in this line of practice and asking if they’d heard of the title. Their immediate response was “Buy it.” We’re excited to finally have our copy in the library, and hope it will prove valuable to our clients.
Evidence in Family Law – This is another new looseleaf title that we’re thrilled to bring into the library. As looseleafs are among the most expensive parts of our collection, we like to look for special and interesting titles that aren’t duplicating what we already have and will bring specific scholarship to our clients. We hope this title fits that bill. If you have chance to use this, let us know how you like it.
Child Protection Law in Canada – This is a looseleaf set, but only somewhat new to our library. We used to have a subscription to this title, but it was cancelled several years ago. After requests for this title began to come in, we’ve decided to reinstate the subscription.
Employment & Labour
Consolidated Federal Employment and Labour Statutes and Regulations 2011 (Carswell)
Consolidated Ontario Employment and Labour Statutes and Regulations 2011 (Carswell)
Ontario Labour and Employment Legislation, 2011-2012 ed. (Canada Law Book)
Corporate Counsel Guide to Employment Law, 3rd ed. (Canada Law Book)
The Six-Minute Employment Lawyer 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)
The Six-Minute Labour Lawyer 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)
8th Annual Emerging Issues in Employment Law (Hamilton Law Association CPD Program)
Wills & Estates
Oosterhoff on Wills and Succession, 7th ed. (Carswell)
Preparation of Wills and Power of Attorney, 4th ed. (Canada Law Book)
Blended Family Estate Planning (LSUC CPD Program)
9th Annual Estates and Trusts Seminar (Hamilton Law Association CPD Program)
Family & Children
Child Protection Law in Canada (Carswell)
Evidence in Family Law (Canada Law Book)
Consolidated Ontario Family Law Statutes and Regulations 2011 (Carswell)
The 5th Annual Family Law Summit (LSUC CPD Program)
Going for Broke: Pensions and Bankruptcy in Family Law (Hamilton Law Association CPD Program)
Taxation at Death: A Practitioner’s Guide 2011 (Carswell)
Practitioner’s Ontario Taxes Annotated 2011 (Carswell)
Criminal, Provincial, & Driving Offences
Martin’s Ontario Criminal Practice, 2012 ed. (Canada Law Book)
Watt’s Manual of Criminal Evidence 2011 (Carswell)
Charter Justice in Canadian Criminal Law, 5th ed. (Carswell)
Cybercrime in Canadian Criminal Law (Carswell)
A Guide to Breathalyzer Certificates in Canada (Canada Law Book)
Handling Provincial Offence Cases in Ontario 2011 (Carswell)
A Guide to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, 2012 ed. (Lexis)
Defending Drinking and Driving Cases 2011 (Carswell)
Annual Review of Criminal Law 2010 (Carswell)
New Lawyer Practice Series: Criminal Law 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)
The Complete Guide to Search Warrants (LSUC CPD Program)
Business & Commercial
Business Acquisitions Agreements: An Annotated Guide, 2nd ed. (Canada Law Book)
The Six-Minute Business Lawyer 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)
Business Law Summit (LSUC CPD Program)
6th Annual Current Issues in Commercial Litigation Seminar (Hamilton Law Association CPD Program)
All the Rest…
The 2011-2012 Annotated Contraventions Act (Carswell)
Ontario Annual Practice 2011-2012 (Canada Law Book)
Ontario Consent and Capacity Legislation 2011-2012 (Canada Law Book)
Ontario Assessment Legislation 2011 (Canada Law Book)
Dictionary of Canadian Law, 4th ed. (Carswell)
The Law of Torts in Canada, 3rd ed. (Carswell)
11th Annual Advocacy Conference (Hamilton Law Association CPD Program)
Our Civil Justice System: Reflecting on the Recent Reforms (LSUC CPD Program)
6th Annual Solo and Small Firm Conference and Expo (LSUC CPD Program)
New Lawyer Practice Series: Administrative Law 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)
The Six-Minute Municipal Lawyer 2011 (LSUC CPD Program)