This month’s post could be alternatively titled: The New Family Law Practice! It’s here! Yes, library users, a fresh shipment of the Ontario Family Law Practice, 2012 Edition from LexisNexis has arrived at the library.  Amanda has prepared the books for the shelves, and we’re excited to announce that we’ve increased our holdings to five copies.  In light of both of our copies of the 2011 edition having gone missing (and thank you, everyone, for using the older versions we had on hand as we waited for the new editions to arrive), we ask that you very carefully print your name and direct phone number on the sign-out cards, and that the book is returned to the front desk at the library (as opposed to on a shelving cart) every time you borrow it for court.

For our non-Family law library users, we have plenty of new materials that might be of interest.  In addition to a good number of yearly updates, we have updates to some favourite titles, such as a new edition of Paciocco and Stuesser’s The Law of Evidence, Hogg’s Liability of the Crown, and a new Administrative Law in Canada by Blake.  We’ve also acquired a new publication that might be of interest to those of you who are new to small claims practice.  Ontario Small Claims Court – A Practical Guide is a new title from LexisNexis that aims to give you the ins and outs of preparing for and appearing in Small Claims court.  If you’ve seen this book advertised and are thinking of picking it up for your own collection, feel free to come take a look at ours and see if it’s the right title for you.  Finally, just yesterday, a brand new publication that even us non-lawyers are interested in reading was delivered – Animals and the Law by Lesli Bisgould.  To my knowledge, there isn’t much else out there on this particular topic, so this title is a great addition to our collection.

Here is our full list for the last two months – you can click on the hyperlinks to see the publisher’s write-up for these titles.


2011 Annotated Employment Insurance Act (Carswell)

2012 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Carswell)

2012 Annotated Divorce Act (Carswell)

2012 Annotated Ontario Family Law Act (Carswell)

Administrative Law in Canada, 5th Edition (LexisNexis)

Animals and the Law (Irwin Law)

Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2011 (Carswell)

Canadian Environmental Legislation, 2011-2012 Edition (Canada Law Book)

Canadian Family Law, 4th Edition (Irwin Law)

Canadian Telecommunications Law (Irwin Law)

Consolidated Bank Act and Regulations 2011-2012 (Carswell)

Consolidated Ontario Insurance Statutes and Regulations 2011 (Carswell)

Consolidated Ontario Small Claims Court Statutes, Rules, and Regulations 2011-2012 (Carswell)

Federal Access to Information and Privacy Legislation Annotated 2012 (Carswell)

Legal Ethics, 2nd Edition (Canada Law Book)

Liability of the Crown, 4th Edition (Carswell)

McLeod’s Ontario Family Law Rules Annotated 2011 (Carswell)

Ontario Environmental Legislation, 2011-2012 Edition (Canada Law Book)

Ontario Family Law Practice, 2012 Edition (LexisNexis)

Ontario Small Claims Court – A Practical Guide (LexisNexis)

Supreme Court of Canada Practice 2012 (Carswell)

The Law of Civil Procedure in Ontario (LexisNexis)

The Law of Evidence, 6th Edition (Irwin Law)

The Laws of Government: The Legal Foundations of Canadian Democracy (Irwin Law)

The Law of Torts, 4th Edition (Irwin Law)


Continuing Professional Development

Commercial Mortgage Transactions: Complex Issues in Documentation and Due Diligence (LSUC)

Domestic Contracts in Family Law (LSUC)

Practice Gems: Probate Essentials 2011 (LSUC)

Practice Gems: The Administration of Estates 2011: Avoiding the Pitfalls (LSUC)

Taxation Issues for General Practitioners (What Everyone Should Know) (LSUC)

The Anatomy of a Labour Law Judicial Review: Practical Lessons (LSUC)

The Ontario e-Discovery Institute: e-Discovery For All Cases and All Lawyers (LSUC)

The Six-Minute Debtor-Creditor and Insolvency Lawyer 2011 (LSUC)

The Six-Minute Environmental Lawyer 2011 (LSUC)


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