If you will be taking on any articling students this summer or you’re starting the LPP, mark August 5, 2016 in your calendar! The CCLA Library is presenting a half-day session on legal research, designed exclusively for new articling and LPP students. Our annual program covers the research tools students have available (either through our Library or online) that will be vital to the research they will take on during their articling year.

The cost of the session will be $25.00, and will also include your student’s CCLA Membership for the articling term (which gives members 24/7 access to our library, among other great perks).

Also back this year will be our free Articling and LPP Student Luncheon. This luncheon will take place after HeadStart, and will be held in the CCLA Library. If your student won’t be able to make the session, they are still invited to lunch – we’d love to meet them!

Much more information and the opportunity to register your students will be coming, so watch for details later this month!

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