Our newest “Oh my god, I love that book” title in the library is the excellent The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis. The second edition of this book came out last year, and it has won the praise of our library staff, both experienced and novice. Brenda and Emily enjoy the clear instructions for performing specific legal research tasks, particularly the wonderful use of full-colour screen grabs. Brenda (our more experienced law librarian) has found the book quite useful for researching jurisdictions outside of Ontario, for which this book has a chapter dedicated to each province and territory. Emily, who is a newer librarian, has enjoyed referring to the book for a wide variety of tasks, especially for those tricky numbers like finding Hansard debates. She’s even photocopied excerpts from the book to keep close at hand in case she needs them in the future.
We’re currently hoarding this book behind the main counter, but you will be able to find it soon at KF 240 M33 2016 in the “Reference” stacks (near the work tables).