Looking for international materials? While we are quite fortunate here to have access to some great British databases, often times we are asked about American or Australian case law as well. Perhaps lesser-known is that our Lexis Advance subscription has some coverage of these countries also!

To access them, on the left side of the main screen’s search bar you will notice a country flag. By clicking on this it will bring you to a dropdown menu where you can select which country’s materials you would like to search.


After you enter a search term, you can also easily navigate between countries through the sidebar where you will see these flags again, for example in the screenshot below. Underneath there is also a nice breakdown of the different types of content available, so you can narrow down your results if you are only interested in a specific type.



As you can see from this very generic “wrongful dismissal” search, there is quite a lot of international content on there! It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for foreign materials.


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