For those of you who have had a chance to come visit our newly-renovated-but-not-quite-finished library space (and if you haven’t, it’s worth the trip!), you may have noticed our two newly-furnished meeting rooms opposite the library computers. To answer your burning question: yes – these are for you!

We’ve been asked about meeting space in the courthouse for years, so we’re happy to now be able to provide these Lees and Kealy Rooms for small groups (4-6 people) to use. Additionally, you can now reserve these rooms by sending us an email with your name, contact information, and the date/time you will need a room. You’ll receive a confirmation by email when the room has been booked.

Of course, before you go crazy here are some ground rules:

  • There are NO CLIENTS permitted.
  • Reservations can be no longer than 3 hours at a time.
  • Food and drink are allowed but please make sure the room is clean and tidy when you leave.
  • If you’re not here within 30 minutes of the start time, we’ll release the room.
  • Please make sure to finish up on time for the meeting ending – if you need to extend your time, check the schedule to see if there is room.
  • Priority may be given to larger groups, or groups who use the rooms less frequently.


So let us know if you’d like to book!


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