The following message was shared on the Canadian Association of Law Libraries listserv, and we think it might be of particular interest to some of our readers.


Pan-Canadian Project to Translate Court Decisions


We have received funding from the Department of Justice Canada to compile an initial list of selected unilingual decisions requiring translation. The ultimate aim of the project is to increase the number of court decisions available in both official languages in all provinces and territories and thus to ensure that caselaw emanating from all over Canada is accessible to all. 

The project will favour the translation of court decisions which are more likely to have a serious impact on citizens’ private lives, notably in the field of family law and penal law. While decisions in these fields would be translated as a priority, other areas of law are certainly not excluded. We recognize that access to leading cases and landmark decisions in all fields of law is of paramount importance for the Canadian legal system. 

We are therefore inviting all the members of the legal community to participate in this ambitious project, which is a golden opportunity for the Anglophone legal community to obtain English translations of caselaw currently only available in French, but also to see that caselaw currently only available in English is translated for the use of the Francophone legal community. The participation of those involved in penal law and family law, whether as lawyers, professors or judges) would be particularly welcome. 

Please contact us with your suggestions at the address mentioned below. You may use the Proposal Form to transmit your suggestions. 

Note that we are inviting numerous stakeholders to participate in this pan-Canadian project, including members of the judiciary, all law schools, as well as Anglophone and Francophone lawyers).   

Karine McLaren
Director, Centre de traduction et de terminologie juridiques
Université de Moncton

One thought on “Pan-Canadian Project to Translate Court Decisions

  1. Excellente nouvelle! Je suis prêt à participer à ce projet à titre de traducteur judiciaire de l’anglais vers le français. Je suis disponible dès maintenant pour une quantité d’environ 3 000 mots par jour à un tarif raisonnable. Bravo! Louis Beaudoin notamment sera ravi de cette nouvelle, comme tous les juristes canadiens!!!

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