Since its founding in 1888, the County of Carleton Law Association Library has grown to serve over 1700 members, and houses over 13 000 print volumes. In addition to its large print collection, the library and its staff also provide access to a number of services and electronic and online resources. The library is intended for lawyers, articling students, the judiciary, and CCLA members, and is not open to members of the public.

The library’s collection is non-circulating. Materials may be signed out for court, but must be returned to the library by the end of the day.

Hours and Location

The library is located on the second floor of the Ottawa Courthouse, in room 2004, and is staffed from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

CCLA members in good standing may access the library 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Reference Services

Librarians and staff are available during regular hours to answer reference questions, advise on research strategy, and provide assistance in locating and using library resources. Reference questions often involve case searches and note-ups, help in locating useful materials, and legislative research. For assistance, clients may contact the library in person, or via phone, email, or fax. For more detailed information about reference services, please visit our Reference FAQ page.

Book Borrowing

CCLA Library books are for library and court use only, and may not leave the courthouse. Library books borrowed for court must be signed out by a library staff member at the front desk, and returned to the library by closing time, at 5:00 PM.

Interlibrary Loans

Clients are encouraged to contact the library if needed materials are not available in the collection; library staff may be able to acquire items through interlibrary loan. The CCLA Library has borrowing privileges with most Ontario courthouse libraries, and many libraries in the National Capital Region. Interlibrary loans can often be fulfilled within a day or two of the request.

Loans arranged from Ontario courthouse libraries are free of charge. Library staff will always seek to borrow from these libraries first. For items unavailable in the Ontario courthouse system, there will be a $10.00 fee for each item shipped to the library.

Training and Tours

Library staff are available to provide instruction on the use of both print and electronic resources. Clients are encouraged to request help as needed, or to make an appointment with a librarian for more in-depth instruction. Group training sessions on the use of electronic resources in the library are also held regularly, and are announced via the CCLA’s website and list-serv.

Clients are encouraged to book a guided tour of the library. Tours offer an opportunity to meet the staff and learn about library resources, services, and access. To schedule a tour for an individual or group, please contact the library.

Computer and Wireless Access

Computers are available in the library, providing access to word processing software, the Internet, and printing services in the courthouse. Each computer is also equipped with the library’s online resource collection, which provides free access to products such as Lexis Advance Quicklaw, WestlawNext Canada, JustisOne, DivorceMate, and O’Brien’s Forms and Precedents.

Wireless Internet access is also available in the CCLA Library. CCLA Members have access to wireless free of charge, and other users may purchase access at the library’s front desk. Please refer to the CCLA’s Member Services section for more information about membership, access, and pricing.