If you’ve been into the CCLA Library in the last couple of weeks, you may have seen some new labels on various text books and looseleaf binders. As more and more of our print materials are either being replaced with or accompanied by an online version, we wanted to make it easy for library users to recognize what they can find on our computers. Here’s a quick run-down of the new labels, and what they mean:
Thomson Reuters ProView
ProView is an online platform for reading legal texts that are published by Carswell. Quite a few of looseleaf binders that we subscribe to in print are also available on ProView, which makes it easier for you to search through content, and email or print excerpts for your research. The list of titles available on ProView is continually expanding, so something that’s not on there today could very well be next month. We’re working on a blog post to describe how to use ProView and a full list of what we have available in the library, so stayed tuned for that. |
WestlawNext Canada
Within the CCLA’s subscription to WestlawNext, we have both the CriminalSource and FamilySource add-on packages. Each of those services provides access to several popular Carswell looseleaf titles (and some titles that we had to cancel in print form years ago due to cost concerns). If there’s a WestlawNext sticker on a looseleaf you’re looking at, you want to access our Westlaw subscription on the computers to look at the e-version. My personal favourite? You can find Ewaschuck’s Criminal Pleadings and Practice in Canada on CriminalSource. |
LexisNexis Quicklaw
For electronic access to several very popular text books published by LexisNexis (such as Sopkina on Evidence, as pictured here), you can turn to our Quicklaw subscription. Currently, we have texts in four different areas of law: criminal, family, employment, and general litigation. |
For all of these online versions, you do need to come to the library in order to access them. Our licensing agreements do not currently allow for remote access, so you’ll need to be in the library, and on our computers. The upside to this, however, is we’re here to help! If you need any assistance in finding the e-titles on our Westlaw, Quicklaw, or ProView subscriptions, just let any of the library staff know and we can show you where to find them.