Who’s writing this blog?
Great question! This blog is maintained by the library staff at the County of Carleton Law Association. The CCLA is the non-profit law association that has been in charge of providing a courthouse library to Ottawa lawyers since 1888.
Your current library staff and blog writers are:
Amanda Elliott
Amanda is our Library Technician. She makes sure the library is in ship-shape, and that you can find the resources you need for research.
The Slytherin of the crew, Amanda enjoys crafting, fawning over her cats and gaming in her free time. She is currently wielding The Bifrost legendary staff in Guild Wars 2, and trying to heal people who run away from her in Overwatch. |
Brenda Lauritzen
Brenda is the CCLA’s Reference Librarian. She is amazing at legal research (which you’ll know if you’ve already worked with her!), and she especially loves when a legislative history research question comes her way. She’s also the one that has made this blog look so good.
Proud holder of Jen’s title of “The biggest nerd I’ve ever known”, you’ll often find Brenda playing the latest Indie video game, painting miniatures, hanging out at a boardgame lounge, or crafting fantastical worlds as the DM of their intrepid D&D group. |
Jennifer Walker
Jen is the Head Librarian at the CCLA. She’s also the person who came up with “Robeside Assistance,” so depending on your tolerance for wordplay, kudos and/or blame can be sent her direction. Need to track down a case where you have almost no identifying information? She’ll gladly handle that for you.
The resident expert on the career of Liam Neeson, Jen has a penchant for detective fiction; there is no British murder mystery series she has left unwatched. She enjoys travelling the world, crafting with her magical cross-stitching powers, and being the only person in 2016 who does not watch Game of Thrones. |
The name?
We love puns. We love law-based puns even more!
Why robes though? If you’re one of our international readers and are from a jurisdiction where legal counsel don’t wear court robes, here’s a quick read for you (and then here’s also wikipedia).
Do you answer reference questions, too?
We sure do! To get in touch with us for help with your legal research, click here for contact options.
Nice logo! Where did that come from?
Our logo was designed by Joey McGuire. You can find him and his work here.