Changes to CCLA Library Online Products

Starting January 1, 2014, there will be changes the online products you will have access to in the CCLA Library. We hope you’ll find these changes useful for your legal research!

No Longer Available:

Criminal Spectrum

Newly Added:

Quicklaw CriminalPractice

This product contains the following titles:

    • The Practitioner’s Criminal Code (Gold)
    • The Law of Search and Seizure in Canada (Fontana andKeeshan)
    • Sentencing (Ruby, Davies, Doucette, Loosemore, Orkinand, Wawzonek)
    • Annotated Youth Criminal Justice Act (Weinper, Direnfeld, Greene,Pearson, Richardson and Tuck-Jackson)
    • Impaired Driving in Canada (Kenkel)
    • Canadian Extradition Law Practice (Botting)
    • Sopinka, Lederman & Bryant – The Law of Evidence in Canada (Bryant, Lederman and Fuerst)
    • Canada Criminal Digest
    • Abrégé de jurisprudence – Droit criminel
    • Criminal Law Cases – Topical
    • Supreme Court of Canada Service
    • LAW/NET™ Legal Update Service
    • For the Defence, the newsletter of the Ontario CriminalLawyers’
    • Association
    • Alan D. Gold’s Criminal Law NetLetter
    • Alan D. Gold’s Money Laundering Update
    • Crown Weekly NetLetter
    • Federico and Rondinelli’s DNA NetLetter
    • Impaired Driving NetLetter by the Hon. Justice Joseph F. Kenkel
    • LexisNexis® Criminal Charter Issues NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Criminal Offences NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Criminal Procedure NetLetter
    • The Practitioner’s Criminal Precedents (Gold)

Quicklaw FamilyPractice

This product contains the following titles:

    • Ontario Family Law Practice (The Hon. Mr. Justice David Steinberg, the Hon. Mr. Justice Craig Perkins, Esther L. Lenkinski and Andrew James)
    • Wilson on Children and the Law (Jeffery Wilson)
    • Family Mediation and Collaborative Practice Handbook (Barbara Landau, Lorne Wolfson and Niki Landau)
    • Castel & Walker – Canadian Conflict of Laws (Janet Walker) Canadian Contract Law (Angela Swan)
    • Canada Child Support Quantums
    • Canada Spousal Support Quantums
    • Canada Dependants’ Relief Quantums
    • Canada Matrimonial Property Quantums
    • LexisNexis® Family Law (Ontario) NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Youth Protection NetLetter

Quicklaw LitigationPractice

This product contains the following titles:

    • Canadian Federal Courts Practice (Hughes, Renaud and Horne)
    • Federal Limitations Manual
    • Ontario Courtroom Procedure (Ferguson)
    • Sopinka, Lederman & Bryant – The Law of Evidence in Canada (Bryant, Lederman and Fuerst)
    • Class Actions Law and Practice (Eizenga, Peerless, Wright and Callaghan)
    • Canadian Tort Law (Linden and Feldthusen)
    • Canadian Contract Law (Swan)
    • Castel & Walker – Canadian Conflict of Laws (Walker)
    • The Law of Limitations (Mew)
    • Canada Civil Procedure Digest
    • Canada Civil Evidence Digest
    • Canada Limitation of Actions Digest
    • Canada Breach of Contract Quantums
    • Canada Defamation Quantums
    • Canada Medical Negligence Quantums
    • Canada Property-Related Torts Quantums
    • Canada Wrongful Dismissal Quantums
    • Carlson Personal Injury Quantum of Damages NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Civil Practice (Federal) NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Ontario Civil Practice NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Civil Evidence NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Conflict of Laws NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Limitation of Actions NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Class Actions NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Economic Damages NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Personal Injury NetLetter
    • LexisNexis® Tort Law NetLetter

To access any of these Practice products, simply proceed through to Quicklaw as normal on the Desktops of our library computers.


New Charging Station in the Library

We’ve all been there: that moment when your phone drops to 1% battery life just as you need it most. Well fret no more!

We’ve got you covered here at the CCLA library with our new charging station for mobile devices. If you’re stuck in the courthouse without your charger stop by the library and feed your phone some new life! We currently support iPhone (Legacy and Lightning), Android, Blackberry, and accessories.


The station is located next to the computer carrels. Please do not leave your devices unattended.

Information for 2013-2014 Articling Students

The CCLA would like to welcome all new articling students in the Ottawa area! In this email, we’ve put together the details on some new sessions we’ve developed exclusively for our 2013-2014 students, as well as additional information to assist in your articling year.

HeadStart: Legal Research Training for Articling Students

The CCLA Library is extremely excited to announce HeadStart Ottawa. This comprehensive legal research training seminar will provide students with all the fundamental research skills required to ensure successful articling and a rewarding legal career! The academic session, to take place on Friday, August 16, 2013 from 9:00am – 12:15pm, will focus on practical tips and will cover:

–  Finding and Updating Legislation
–  Case Law Research
–  Secondary Sources
–  Precedents
–  Tips for Efficient Research & Bad Habits to Avoid

Even better, the cost of registration – only $25 – also includes CCLA Student Membership and an invaluable research guide!

Registration for this event is already filling up! Do not delay in sending in your RSVP.

Articling Students Luncheon

Following our HeadStart program, the CCLA is excited to invite all 2013 – 2014 articling students to a luncheon in the CCLA Library, from 12:15pm to 1:00pm. This informal time will give attendees the chance to network with other new articling students here in Ottawa, take a tour of the CCLA Library, sign up for a CCLA student membership, and meet the CCLA Staff as well as some of the members of our Young Lawyers Committee! There is no cost for attending the lunch, but please RSVP by August 5 so that we may cater for the appropriate number.

Tours of the CCLA Library

If you’re unable to attend either of these sessions, but would like a tour of the Library to meet our staff and learn about the services and resources we offer, consider attending one of our library tours! Tours are held at 10:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursday in September and August. Please RSVP for a time and date that works for you. If these options won’t work, please email Brenda Lauritzen to schedule another time.

Additional Information

CCLA student memberships are available for your articling term! You do not need to be a member to use the CCLA Library, but you will need to should you wish to access the library after hours. It also provides discounts at great member partners, offers discounted rates for CCLA programming, and connects you to our great local legal community. You can register online, or get in contact with our Membership Services Assistant, Meghan Wilmott.

If this email has been forwarded along to you, and you would like to join our email list so that you can receive our emails directly, please click here. This list is free and is not connected to CCLA membership. You can modify your subscription preferences at any time.

The CCLA Articling Students and New Lawyers Committee is hard at work planning sessions for the coming year that are geared to your interests. Stay tuned for news on upcoming social events and continuing professional development opportunities!

Older LSUC CPD Materials Now Available Online Free of Charge

Some of you might be familiar with the Law Society’s AccessCLE service, which is a database that provides electronic PDF access to papers and materials from LSUC events since 2004. Previously this service came with an access premium, but we’re excited to inform you that you can now print and download any articles that are older than 18 months – free of charge! Articles newer than the 18 month time frame will still be available on a pay-per-view basis.

These articles are a great place to find recent commentary, forms, and cases concerning current issues in the legal profession. You can search or browse them from the link above, or alternatively through the Great Library’s integrated catalogue Infolocate.

CCLA members also already have access to CCLA CPD materials since 2001, through our Conference Papers Database.

Prefer browsing in print? Don’t worry, the CCLA library still collects those grey binders you know and love.

Library Tours

We are always happy for this time of year when we welcome new students to the CCLA Library! We would love to invite any interested to schedule tours of the library. These tours are a great opportunity to meet library staff and learn about library resources, training opportunities, and services which may support and assist you in your practice. We also encourage any and all to sign up for the CCLA Newsletter to begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region.

Tours will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM. Please contact Brenda Lauritzen, the CCLA Library’s Reference Librarian, at or 613-233-7386 x222 to schedule a tour. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Save the Date for HeadStart Ottawa: Legal Research for Articling Students!

If you will be taking on any articling students this summer, mark August 16th, 2013 in your calendar! The CCLA Library is presenting a half-day session on legal research, designed exclusively for new articling students. We first held HeadStart Ottawa last year, based on long-running program of the same name in Edmonton. Our program covers the research tools students have available (either through our Library or online) that will be vital to the research they will take on during their articling year.

The cost of the session will be $25.00, and will also include your student’s CCLA Membership for the articling term (which gives members 24/7 access to our library, among other great perks). Seating will be limited, so don’t delay in registering your student with us! If you’d like us to add your student to the RSVP list, please send us an email.

Also back this year will be our free Articling Student Luncheon. This luncheon will take place after HeadStart, and will be held in the CCLA Library. If your student won’t be able to make the session, they are still invited to lunch – we’d love to meet them!

Much more information will be coming, so watch for details over the next few months!


Library Tours for Articling and Summer Students

It’s that time of year again! As new students arrive to firms and offices we would love to invite members of the legal community to schedule tours of the CCLA library. These tours are a great opportunity for students to meet library staff and learn about library resources, training opportunities, and services which may support and assist them during their articles or placements. They can also sign up for the CCLA Listserv and begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region.

Please contact Brenda Lauritzen, the CCLA Library’s Reference Librarian, at or 613-233-7386 x222 to schedule a tour from the following times. If none of these work for you, be sure to get in contact as we would be happy to discuss other options!

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 7th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 14th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 21st, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM

We’d also like to remind you of our upcoming Legal Research Training Session for Articling Students: HeadStart! This program will take place on Friday, August 17, 2012 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM and will include everything your new students will need to get their articling year started on a great note – an orientation to the library and its resources, preliminary sessions on online legal research tools including Quicklaw and Westlaw, discussion of research strategies, as well as tips on how to get involved in the East Region legal community. You can read more about this session here, and further information will be forthcoming as the date approaches. Spaces are limited, so make sure to RSVP your student(s) today!

CCLA Fiction Library

Need a break from research?  Have a long wait until court?  Love to read?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then we have just the solution for you.  We are very excited to announce the launch of the CCLA Fiction Library!

Come on by and grab a book!  We have a great variety of authors, especially for fans of mystery and crime.  Books by John Grisham, Ian Rankin, and James Patterson are ready and waiting to be read.  All books have a three week loan period and no library card is required.  Once you’ve found the perfect book, visit the front desk to sign it out.

For a complete list of titles,  click here to view the catalogue.


Upcoming Training: Westlaw and Quicklaw

Brush up on your research skills at the library in March by attending our next two training sessions: March 1 (Westlaw) and March 28 (Quicklaw), each running from 12:00 – 1:00pm. Stop by the CCLA Library for one or both of the sessions, and count it towards your CPD hours! Best of all, it’s free!

As always, the sessions are held in the CCLA Library, located in Room 2004 on the main floor of the Ottawa Courthouse, 161 Elgin Street. If you would like to attend either of the following, or if you have any questions at all, drop me a quick email at Walk-ins are also welcome. Bring your lunch with you!

Westlaw: Case Studies; Thursday, March 1st, 12:00 to 1:00 PM, CCLA Library
Skip the keyword search. Learn how to use Westlaw resources efficiently and effectively by walking through specific case study examples. Use the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest, Canadian Abridgment, and KeyCite features to very quickly narrow and find the most relevant case law, legislation, and commentary that you need. Westlaw basics will also be reviewed. Bring your own research questions!

What’s New on Quicklaw; Wednesday, March 28th, 12:00 to 1:00 PM, CCLA Library
Let them narrow the search results for you. Learn how to use Quicklaw’s Canada Digest, Canada Quantums, and Quickcite features to search within the most relevant case law, legislation, and commentary, instead of starting from scratch. Quicklaw basics will also be reviewed.

For experienced members, these programs count for 1 Substantive Hour toward the annual LSUC CPD requirement. These CPD hours are not accredited for the new member requirement.

Free Westlaw and Quicklaw Training

Mark your calendars for our last two training sessions of the year: December 6 (Westlaw) and December 8 (Quicklaw), each running from 12:00 – 1:00pm. Stop by the CCLA Library for one or both of the sessions to brush up on your research skills before the end of the year – and count it towards your CPD hours! Best of all, it’s free!

As always, the sessions are held in the CCLA Library, located in Room 2004 on the main floor of the Ottawa Courthouse, at 161 Elgin Street. If you would like to attend either of the following, or if you have any questions at all, drop me a quick email at Bring your lunch with you, and light refreshments will be provided. I hope to see you there!

Westlaw Tools, Tuesday, December 6th, 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Skip the keyword search. Learn how to use the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest, Canadian Abridgment, and KeyCite features to very quickly narrow and find the most relevant case law, legislation, and commentary that you need. Westlaw basics will also be reviewed.

Quicklaw Tools, Thursday, December 8th, 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Let them narrow the search results for you. Learn how to use Quicklaw’s Canada Digest, Canada Quantums, and Quickcite features to search within the most relevant case law, legislation, and commentary, instead of starting from scratch. Quicklaw basics will also be reviewed.

For experienced members, these programs count for 1 Substantive Hour toward the annual LSUC CPD requirement. These CPD hours are not accredited for the new member requirement.