By Jennifer Walker
When I first joined the CCLA in July 2007, the organization was already in the midst of a website redesign project. Our old website was, to put it bluntly, severely outdated. As a librarian, I was asked to weigh-in on what the library side of the new site should look like. Fresh from library school with big ideas and notions of what libraries should be doing, I immediately requested a blog. What was going to go on this blog? I didn’t know, but was quite sure we should have one regardless. In the two intervening years, the entire website redesign project has itself been redesigned, including the contents for the library section. The blog, however, stayed on my “Must” list, and so here we are, with our very first posting on our beautifully relaunched website.
Do we now have a focus for the blog? We sure do. Going forward, Katie Tribe (our excellent reference librarian) and I will be sharing all manner of library news here – new books, missing books, library training sessions, library-related notes of interest, closures and hours changes, staffing news, and anything else we think you’d care to know about. If you’re interested in keeping up with new posts, add us to your feed reader using the RSS icon, or follow us on Twitter, where our new posts will be directed once they go live. While we do not currently have reader comment functionality, please send any feedback or questions to us directly.