While most of our collection is geared towards lawyers, the CCLA Library has a small but excellent collection of materials intended for paralegals and law clerks. As part of our partnership with the Great Library and the Law Society, we receive all of the continuing professional development print materials from LSUC events geared to this audience. Here are some of the titles we’ve added to our library collection in the past year:
9th Annual Real Estate for Law Clerks
9th Annual Family Law for Law Clerks
10th Annual Civil Litigation for Law Clerks
Best Practices for Paralegals Appearing Before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Best Practices for Paralegals Appearing Before the Ontario Court of Justice 2011
Corporate Law for Law Clerks
Estate Administration for Law Clerks 2010
FSCO Update for Paralegals
Personal Injury for Law Clerks: Recent Changes That You Need to Know About
Small Claims Court Update 2011
These titles, along with many others, are shelved along with our regular Text collection, ordered by subject. Next time you’re in the courthouse, or would like to read up on a new legal topic, consider stopping by to take a look at these great resources.