The following list of new titles can now be found in the library:
Ontario Superior Court Practice 2017 (LexisNexis)
Chartes des Droits de la Personne : Législation, Jurisprudence et Doctrine (Wilson & Lafleur)
Macdonell, Sheard and Hull on Probate Practice (Carswell)
Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario 2015-2016 (Carswell)
Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Canada (LexisNexis)
Hutchison’s Search Warrant Manual (Carswell)
The 2017 Annotated Ontario Education Act (Carswell)
Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2016 (Carswell)
The Law of Adjournments: A Manual on Postponement (LexisNexis)
Aboriginal Law, Fifth Edition (Carswell)
Ontario Courtroom Procedure (LexisNexis)