This question has come up a few times now at the library, usually stated something like this:
I’m looking for a case that I can’t find. The citation is 1 CRC 461. Help!!
The citation “CRC” refers to a dusty, but clearly still useful, law report series titled Canadian Railway Cases. While this was published originally by Canada Law Book, it still hasn’t made its way in its entirety onto WestlawNext Canada. It seems that if the case was also reported in another law report series, it will be available on the electronic services (most likely), but if the case only appeared in the CRCs, it will probably be just available in the print version for now.
The series ran from 1902 to 1939, and we are fortunate to still have this set in our collection. So, if during your research you find you need a case with that citation and you can’t find it on any of the online services, we’re only a quick email away, and we’d be happy to send it over for you!