It was a slower month for new books, but we did receive a handful of great titles from Emond Publishing and the ever popular Martin’s Annual Criminal Code! Check out the whole list below!
2019-2020 Annotated Ontario Personal Property Security Act (Thomson Reuters)
The Anatomy of Criminal Procedure: A Visual Guide to the Law (Irwin Law)
Canadian Business Law, 3rd Ed. (Emond Publishing)
Civil Litigation, 3rd Ed. (Emond Publishing)
Code criminel annoté 2020 (Éditions Yvon Blais)
Employment Law for Business and Human Resources Professionals, Revised 4th Ed. (Emond Publishing)
A Guide to Consent & Capacity Law in Ontario, 2020 Ed. (LexisNexis)
Legal Accounting, 2nd Ed. (Emond Publishing)
Martin’s Annual Criminal Code, 2020 Ed. (Thomson Reuters)
Ontario Residential Real Estate for Practitioners (Emond Publishing)