Preview: 2016 CALL/ACBD Conference

Next week, Jen and Brenda will be attending the 2016 CALL/ACBD Conference in Vancouver, BC. This is the leading professional development opportunity for legal information professionals in Canada, and is an excellent opportunity to meet and learn from other people working in firm, academic, government, and courthouse libraries across the country. It’s also where we learn about new products coming out from vendors, and notable legal developments.

Of all of the sessions coming up over three days, here are some of the topics we’re most excited for:

“Webinars: Doing it Right” – Brenda will be attending this pre-conference half-day session, which is timely and highly relevant to us here at the CCLA, since we’ve finally made the plunge into providing legal research webinars. She is very excited to get some great tips on how to make our webinars top notch.

“Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About US Legal Research But Were Afraid to Ask!: US Legal Research for Canadians” – There’s plenty we’d like to know but have been to afraid to ask, so this session is perfect! Currently, the only things Jen knows for sure about US law is that Louisiana follows a Civil Code (much like Quebec), and that you can find US decisions on Google Scholar. Ready to take lots of notes during this session!

“Research in the Real World” – This session is all about the collaborative program Research in the Real World that was conducted in Calgary, between academic, firm, and courthouse law librarians for summer students to develop practice-focused legal research skills. Sounds right up our alley!

“Computers in Legal Research” – Brenda is really excited to attend this discussion on the future of Watson-type AI in the legal world, and the extent to which computers might be capable of replacing lawyers in the future (and the inevitable Skynet uprising of course!).

Librarians love to live tweet events, so if you want to check in on the conference, look for #CALLACBD2016 on Twitter.

Welcome (back) to Robeside Assistance!

Since we started posting Ottawa decisions round-ups in 2010, we’ve had hundreds of visitors to our blog every month. Recently, we started compiling blog posts from legal folks in the Ottawa area, which our readers have responded enthusiastically to as well. So thank you for reading!

Through all this, we’ve never found the name “CCLA Library Blog” to be very inspiring. We decided it was time for a facelift and a new name. Robeside Assistance is a phrase we’ve been toying around with for a long time, and it finally occurred to us that it was perfect for the blog. The CCLA Library is your courthouse library, and we’re here to help you in your legal research (whether you’re gowned or not, of course!). Legal research is expensive and time consuming. Let us assist you – save time, save money, and get access to some of the best legal research products on the market. We’ll use this space to talk about legal research and products, upcoming training, tips and tricks, and of course, the popular decisions and blogs compilations.

We’ll be sticking to a more regular publishing schedule, so feel free to subscribe to the blog by email, or follow us on Twitter to catch posts as they happen. We’ll also continue to include many of our posts in the CCLA News email newsletter every Wednesday.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the new look and name of our site!

Compendium of Damages Awarded in Personal Injury Actions Across Ontario, Updated to Oct. 2015

Every year a team under The Honourable Justice Chadwick publishes a table of damage awards in personal injury actions across Ontario. We are pleased to provide this year’s copy of the compendium, updated to October 31, 2015. You can download the compendium here, or on the CCLA website’s Civil Litigation Practice Portal.

Many thanks to Justice Chadwick and Gwendolen Boyle, law student at the university of Ottawa, for compiling the updated list!

JustisOne: New British Case Law Subscription

One of the most frequent services we provide here in the library is the locating of old case law, quite often old British cases that are not available on the basic Lexis or Carswell subscriptions. We have been keeping our eye out for an affordable solution to having to trudge through and scan the old British case reporters, and after demoing JustisOne for the past month we are pleased to announce it as a new subscription available for use here at the CCLA library!


With JustisOne we now have electronic in-library access to a wealth of British case law and legislation, including noted up links to Canadian case law as well.

Beyond the access to British materials, JustisOne also re-envisions the case law search, eliminating boolean searching in favour of a category searching system that gives more applicable and refined search results. Some of my other favourite features include the Precedent Maps, which visualize how the case law has been treated, and the Key Paragraphs, which eliminates the guesswork of noting up by directly linking to the paragraphs that have been quoted in subsequent decisions.


We’ve greatly enjoyed playing around with this new software, and we are excited that it is now available for library users as well! If you need access to British materials you can feel free to come and try it out yourself, or as always you can get in touch with us and we will be happy to send them to you.

From Your Library: Online Access to LSUC CPD

I’m sure most of you are well aware of the valuable Continuing Professional Development programs that are held by the Law Society in Toronto every year. Perhaps you’re even aware that the CCLA Library receives the materials from these programs in our collection. What is lesser known we find, is the fact that most of these papers are available online through a service called Access CLEAccess CLE provides LSUC articles since 2004, and articles that are older than 18 months are free of charge. Some of these papers include:

  • The popular Annotated Document series (i.e. Annotated Shareholder Agreement, Annotated Guardianship Documents, Annotated Employment Agreements, etc.)
  • Presentations on more obscure areas of law
  • Case Commentaries and Analysis
  • Practical Practice Management Tips
  • And many more!

The unfortunate part of all of this is that the search engine for Access CLE is somewhat frustrating to use and many find it difficult to locate what they are looking for. Instead, the best way to search for articles is by using the Infolocate search engine, which integrates Access CLE into its collection. You can search as follows:

  1. Head to
  2. In the dropdown menu that reads “All Libraries”, scroll to the bottom and select “Access CLE”, so that your search bar looks like this: infolocate
  3. Enter search terms in the box and select search. This will search only online articles that are available for download.

If you prefer, you can also browse what is available by going to the Access CLE website. Click on your area of law under “Browse Collections”, and select which year you would like to browse.

As mentioned, the CCLA collects all of these materials in print as well, so if there is something you would like that was released in the past 18 months, we can get that for you for free. Just give us a shout!

Chat Service Now Available!

Research made even easier! We are pleased to announce that you can now contact the CCLA Library through our new chat service. Simply click on the “Chat Now” button to connect with one of our Library Staff.

chatNow during regular office hours (8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday), you can chat with a Librarian and get case searches, precedents, historical legislation, secondary sources, document retrieval, and more, all free of charge.

So make sure to bookmark this page for the next time you need legal resources!

Library Tours for Summer Students

We are always excited to welcome new students to the CCLA Library! In anticipation of the influx of new summer and articling students we have scheduled some tours for the end of May and beginning of June.

These tours are a great opportunity to meet library staff and learn about library resources, training opportunities, and legal services which may support and assist you in your practice. We also encourage any and all to sign up for the CCLA Newsletter to begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region.

Tours will be held beginning May 12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM, and usually take between 15 to 20 minutes. Please email or call 613-233-7386 x221 to schedule a tour.

E-laws Gets a New Look

Perhaps long overdue, the E-laws Ontario website for provincial legislation has revamped its user interface in favour of a more modern and accessible look and feel. Fortunately, the new interface is much cleaner and easier to navigate; unfortunately, not all of the valuable content made the transfer.

So what’s new for you? You can now Browse or Search current or source law conveniently by selecting the tab on the left-hand sidebar. An advanced search is now available, through which you can use boolean operators (AND/OR, etc.). A full explanation of the advanced search operators can be found here. Point-in-time legislation is also available back to January 2, 2004, and previous versions are now linked on the statute/regulation pages themselves.

The Table of Public Statutes and Responsible Ministers has moved, and is accessible from the ‘Legislative Tables’ link on the homepage. Unfortunate casualties of the migration were the Detailed Legislative History tables, which provided legislative history information for each statute by provision number and which are no longer available. As these tables were the primary reason I used e-Laws previously, for now there will be little motivation for me to use the new site over CanLII, which houses much of the same content.

Speaking of which, the CanLII site administrators have also notified its users that there will be a slight delay in updating the site with Ontario law, as they work to interface with the new e-Laws. No document versions will be missed and they are working to resolve the issue.

As always, if you have any difficulty or have any questions, let us know!

Library Tours

We are always excited to welcome new students to the CCLA Library! In anticipation of the influx of new summer and articling students we have scheduled some tours for the end of May and beginning of June.

These tours are a great opportunity to meet library staff and learn about library resources, training opportunities, and legal services which may support and assist you in your practice. We also encourage any and all to sign up for the CCLA Newsletter to begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region.

Tours will be held beginning May 13 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM, and usually take between 20 to 30 minutes. Please contact Brenda Lauritzen, the CCLA Library’s Reference Librarian, at or 613-233-7386 x222 to schedule a tour. We look forward to seeing you soon!

WestlawNext – Coming Soon to the CCLA Library!

Starting on Monday, June 2, 2014 , the CCLA Library will be switching over to WestlawNext. WestlawNext is the new platform for the Westlaw databases, and we think you’re going to really like the clean new interface. Once this switch is made, we will not have access to the old Westlaw interface (though some of you might still have access to that in your offices).

To help with this transition to the new version of Westlaw, we will be holding lunch time training sessions in the CCLA Library with a trainer from the company. As this new platform is significantly different than the program you have been using for many years, we highly recommend stopping in for a session. Please join us on any of the following dates:

Thursday, June 5, 2014 

Friday, June 13, 2014 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014 

For all dates listed above, the session will run from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in the CCLA Library (2004 – 161 Elgin Street).

As always, there are no costs for these sessions, and please feel free to bring along your lunch! To RSVP, please email Brenda Lauritzen, and indicate which session you will be coming to.

If you prefer learning from your office, there are online tutorials that you can watch. Those tutorials can be found by clicking here.

The CCLA staff have already been trained on this program, so if you’re in the library and need assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask any one of us for help. As always, we do not bill back for the documents retrieved through WestlawNext when you’re using our library subscription, so please feel free to explore the new program and learn how it works!