Online Research Training Options

As we’re unable to host any training sessions in the Library for the next while, we wanted to direct you to some online legal research training options. We’ll be holding online sessions of our own over the year (dates will continue to be added), but these are some options available for you to do from your own office right now:

For WestlawNext Canada / Thomson Reuters ProView …

Canada Professional Development Centre

Thomson Retuers continually offers webinars on their online products, such as Westlaw and ProView, that are both free and CPD accredited.

Interactive eLearning Experiences

These modules (listed in blue towards the top of this page) will give a simulated learning experience for Thomson products.

WestlawNext Canada Self-Paced Learning

Find out more about specific features of WestlawNext with these short videos and PDF files.

For Lexis Advance Quicklaw…


Sign up for a free webinar on Lexis Advance Quicklaw from the selection available in their online calendar.

Self-Study Modules

Browse this list of quick YouTube videos for using the Advance platform.

For JustisOne…

Training Webinar

This quick video will show you the basics of this British database.

User Guide

Follow this link if you would prefer a PDF user guide.

For HeinOnline...

Training Videos

These YouTube videos can teach you basics of searching through HeinOnline.

Training Guides

If you’d rather text-based instruction, there are a series here covering many different aspects of the Hein database.

*Note: Law Society of Ontario licensees have access to HeinOnline from the own computers! Click here to learn how to set up access.

For CanLII…

CCLA Webinar – Thursday, February 22, 2018

We’ll be leading this webinar that looks at everyone’s favourite free resource, CanLII. There is a small charge for this session.

Upcoming WestlawNext Training

We’d be lying if we said WestlawNext wasn’t one of our favourite things. We’d also be lying if we said that our WestlawNext trainer wasn’t one of our favourite people! So we love to hold training sessions in the library for a multitude of reasons.

Here’s our next one! As always these are free and all are welcome, and can count towards 1 hour of professionalism content if you still need those CPD hours.

When: Wednesday, November 22, 2017, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Where: CCLA Library, 161 Elgin St. Suite 2004

This program contains ­1.0 Professionalism Hour which can be used as credit towards your annual requirements.

The Thomson Reuters Customer Learning Team has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by The Law Society of Upper Canada.

Please RSVP at the ‘register’ link here!

Upcoming Webinar: Finding the Perfect Precedent

For years, one of our most popular lunchtime training sessions has been “Finding the Perfect Precedent.” Everyone loves finding a precedent that is exactly what they need for for their client, but sorting through the mountain of materials available can be daunting. To hopefully make this session even easier to attend, we’ve decided to make it a webinar!

On Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at noon, we’ll be running Finding the Perfect Precedent online. This session will cover both online and print resources, including of course the most popular precedents collection in our library (and maybe your library, too), O’Brien’s Encyclopedia of Forms. The cost for the webinar is just $10.00, and you can register online here.

HeadStart Ottawa: Legal Research for Articling and LPP Students 2017

We’re excited to bring back our annual HeadStart legal research session again this year! Every year we put on this three-hour morning training seminar on legal research, emphasizing the fundamental research skills that students will need to ensure successful articling and a rewarding legal career.

This year the session will take place on Friday, August 18, 2017 from 9:00 am to 12:30 PM. Registration will begin at 8:30 am on the 3rd floor of the courthouse across from the elevators.

The program will focus on practical research tips and will cover:

  • Finding and Updating Legislation
  • Case Law Research
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tips for Efficient Research & Bad Habits to Avoid

The cost of registration – only $25 plus HST – also includes a year of CCLA Student Membership and an invaluable research guide! To register (or to register on behalf of your students), please click here!

If you are already a CCLA student member, please sign in to the site before proceeding and the HeadStart registration will be free.


Following our HeadStart program, the CCLA would like to invite all 2017-2018 articling and LPP students to a Luncheon in the CCLA Library, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. This informal time will give attendees the chance to network with other new articling and LPP students here in Ottawa, take a tour of the CCLA Library, and meet the CCLA Staff. There is no additional cost for attending the lunch. If you would like to attend only the lunch, please RSVP with Brenda Lauritzen.

Upcoming Workshop: Steps to Justice

On July 11 at 1:00 PM, we’re excited to be hosting an hour-long workshop in the CCLA library that looks at the new website “Steps to Justice.” This website has been put together by Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO), and provides answers to legal questions in a very accessible and plain-language way. The site covers a wide variety of legal topics, and presents information in the form of answers to commonly asked questions.  As an example, here’s a peak at the page for the question “What are my rights if the police approach me and ask questions?”

We’re excited to learn more about this program, and would invite any of our lawyers who are interested to attend as well. The session is free, but please RSVP with us if you plan to attend.

Summer Webinar: CanLII & Lexbox

Nothing says summer like sitting inside at your office desk!

Ok well, I guess that’s not quite how the saying goes. But at least you can break up the monotony and brush up on your research skills (plus get a substantive CPD hour!) by attending our upcoming webinar on CanLII & Lexbox, taking place on Thursday, June 29, 2017 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM.

You’re probably familiar with Canada’s great free legal research tool CanLII, but we’ll go beyond the keyword search and show you how to quickly find what you’re looking for. We’ll also look at Lexbox, which is the nifty app for Google Chrome that allows you to save your research and set up notifications for when new cases come out or legislation is amended.

Registration is $10 to attend, HST included. Please register here!

The day before the session, we’ll send you an email with the link you need to get into the webinar. You will need computer speakers or headphones in order to listen.

See you then!

Research and Writing Tools on WestlawNext

Apparently it’s research week on the blog, with a great resource highlighted yesterday by Jen. Another resource on this topic oft overlooked is the research and writing section in WestlawNext, which you can find by scrolling down to the bottom section of the homescreen and clicking on “Research and Writing Tools”. This section is excellent for use by students and other legal professionals looking for the basics on how to get started on a topic.

This will bring you to the screen below, where you can find a template for a memo, an excellent research checklist that will guide you through the research process, and guides to the Canadian Abridgment (the Abridgment is still, by the way, on our list of most useful underused tools).

Check it out!

We also have a free WestlawNext training session upcoming on April 6, 2017, so RSVP to that if you would like to learn more about how to most efficiently use the platform, or if you just need a refresher!

CCH Content Now on Lexis Advance Quicklaw

We’re happy to report that former CCH looseleafs have been added to our Quicklaw Subscription. You can now access the following resources in electronic format on our library computers:

  • Canadian Insurance Law Reporter
  • Ontario Real Estate Law Guide
  • Ontario Corporations Law Guide
  • Canadian Commercial Law Guide
  • Canada Corporations Law Reports
  • Canadian Estate Administration Guide
  • Canadian Family Law Guide
  • Canadian Employment Benefits & Pension Guide
  • Canadian Labour Law Reporter

The easiest way to get to these is to click on “Browse” in the top toolbar, and then click on Sources. From there you can browse or search for whatever you would like! There are now also a wealth of newsletters available that you can subscribe to, including Ontario Real Estate Developments, Canadian Family Law Matters, Accident Benefits Cases Summaries, Labour Notes, and many more.

Still feeling a little iffy about the new Quicklaw Advance inferface? Come join us for a free training session on March 22! All are welcome; please RSVP here.

State of Washington & State of Minnesota v. Trump

It’s hard to stay away from the news these days, but those closely following the appeal from Trump’s Immigration Ban in the United States might be interested to see that due to interest in the case, the 9th Circuit has put up a webpage for all of the related court documents. Some light reading for those inclined.

There’s been quite a legal flurry north of the border in response to the ban as well. Courthouse Libraries BC has arranged an upcoming webinar entitled “Canadian Lawyers and the Impact of the US Executive Orders (Muslim Ban)”, to take place on Monday, February 27th, 3:30-4:30 PM EST. BC lawyer Peter Edelmann will be joined by US attorney Nikhil Shah to discuss:

  • The EO and whom it affects.
  • The effects of the various injunctions (MA, NY, CA, etc.) and appeals and what this means practically for affected people seeking access to the US.
  • Legal procedure and rights at the US Border.
  • Some expectations/predictions re future banned countries.
  • Canada’s next possible moves (e.g. Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement).
  • Information about the Canadian and US lawyer alliances/participation in this crisis.
  • What you, the lawyer on the front lines (or who wants to get involved) needs to know, e.g. what you can accomplish v. what you should expect.

You can register for the webinar here.

Lexis Advance Quicklaw Updates

If you use Lexis Advance Quicklaw at the CCLA Library (or any of the other Ontario courthouse libraries), you may be delighted to hear about some of the new content included in our subscription. As of the beginning of the year, we now have access to a considerable amount of international case law. Available at no additional cost to you, you can now download decisions from the following case collections:

  • All England Law Reports
  • Northern Ireland Law Reports
  • Scottish Civil Law Reports
  • European Court of Human Rights Cases
  • Australian Law Reports
  • New Zealand Law Reports
  • U.S. Decisions from the Supreme Court, Appeal Courts, and District Courts
  • And more!

As always, you’ll have to come into the library to make us of this subscription (no remote access, we’re afraid), or you can get in touch and we’ll see how we can help you remotely. Also, if you’d like some training on using Quicklaw (remember: there’s a new platform interface!), we’ll be holding a training session on March 22nd here in the library. You can RSVP for this free session at this link.