Lexis+ Now Available at the CCLA Library!

We’re excited to announce that Lexis+ is now available at the CCLA Library! We’re very happy to welcome the new and updated user interface, as well as the added Legislative Pulse and Brief Analysis capabilities. You can access Lexis+ onsite at the courthouse through our CCLA Library Toolkit, either through the computer terminals in the library or on your own device as long as you are connect to our CCLA Courthouse Wifi.

Please see the publisher’s note below for more information and for some upcoming training sessions!


Lexis+ Canada is a comprehensive integrated legal research and workflow tool providing a range of features designed to enhance legal research and practice:

  • Access the vast collection of case law, editorial analysis, and data visualization with over 490 full-text textbooks and looseleaf publications in more than 30 different areas of law.
  • Rely on the up-to date practical material within Practical Guidance to support your day-to-day practice.
  • Track upcoming legislative changes with the Legislative Pulse service.
  • Extract any relevant information from Lexis+ Canada to make sure you cover everything mentioned in your document with Brief Analysis.

Training Sessions for Courthouse Library Staff and Lawyers – CPD Accredited for Professionalism  (1 hour in length)

The session will be offered at four dates and times as listed below along with the link. Click to attend each session via Zoom, no registration needed in advance.

Training Resources

Thank you to LiRN for making this addition possible through the e-LiRN suite of electronic resources.

Library Information for Summer Students

Welcome new Ottawa summer students! If you’re a law student working a firm this summer, we’d like to invite you to a tour of the CCLA Library and learn more about our services. Library tours are a great opportunity to meet library staff and learn about the legal research services and resources we can offer, training opportunities, and legal services to support and assist a legal practice. We also encourage any and all students to sign up for the CCLA Newsletter to begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region. The newsletter is always free, and not tied to CCLA membership.

Tours will be held beginning May 11 on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM, and usually take between 15 to 20 minutes. Please email library@ccla-abcc.ca or call 613-233-7386 x221 to schedule a tour. Need another time? Would rather meet virtually? We can do that, too! Email the library and let us know how we can help you get started this summer.

HeadStart Ottawa 2020: Legal Research for Articling & LPP Students

Welcome to all new articling and LPP students!

The CCLA Library is excited to announce a virtual series legal research programs for our incoming students this fall. (If you’re coordinating your students at your firm or organization, please take note!) You can register for all or just some of these programs, but we strongly suggest attending our first session on September 24.

All of our library research sessions are completely free, and will also be recorded so they’re available later. Click on the program title to register, or send us an email if you’re registering multiple students.

HeadStart Ottawa: Legal Research for Articling & LPP Students 
Thursday, September 24 @ 2:00 – 3:00 PM
This is our flagship student session, and we are so excited to see you there – over Zoom! Join us virtually this year to get right down to the most critical pieces of information you need to know for doing research over the next year (and beyond). You are guaranteed to leave the session with a clear idea of how you’ll approach your research assignments, and which research platforms, materials, and supports are in place to help you succeed.

Lexis Advance Quicklaw 
Monday, September 28 @ 2:00 – 3:00 PM
This session is fantastic for anyone who is working with Quicklaw in their offices, or who prefer to use this platform at the CCLA Library. It’s also great if you’re generally unfamiliar with what is included in a Quicklaw subscription (spoiler: A LOT). For this session, we’ll turn it over to local Quicklaw trainer Ron Jones, who will show you the ins and outs of this platform and how you can make the most out of your time on Quicklaw.

WestlawNext Canada 
Tuesday, October 6 @ 2:00 – 3:00 PM
If you’re planning on using WestlawNext Canada in your research, whether at your office or at the CCLA, this session is definitely one to attend. Our local WestlawNext trainer Josee Provost will show you how to best use this platform in your research, including the various practice-area specific sources that the CCLA subscribes to.

Thursday, October 15 @ 2:00 – 3:00 PM
CanLII is wildly popular with everyone working in the justice system. If you haven’t had much cause to use it before but will be relying on it more frequently as you enter a legal practice, this session is a great overview of CanLII’s functionalities. There will certainly be some neat tips and tools that you didn’t know about!

Legislative Research 
Tuesday, October 27 @ 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Lawyers love to assign legislative research tasks to their students! If that thought scares you, be sure to sign up for this session. CCLA’s Reference Librarian and legislative research aficionado Brenda Lauritzen will take you through some of the most common types of legislative research tasks and leave you feeling ready to take on an assignment.

Library Tours 

Group tours of the Gordon F. Henderson Library will not be available this fall due to space constraints, but we are happy to provide individual tours. Please email us if you’d like a tour of the space.

Information for 2020-2021 Summer and Articling Students

Even though we may be living in extraordinary times, particularly for the justice sector, the staff of the CCLA Library are still here for you. This is especially true for this year’s summer and articling students. Normally, we invite students to come to the CCLA to meet us, have a tour of our space, and learn about our library services. As we don’t have a projected re-opening date, we aren’t able to invite students over, but we still very much want to meet them. Working with students is one of our favourite and most important jobs, so if you don’t read any further in this blog post, please pass along our email (library@ccla-abcc.ca) to your students!

If you will be taking on students (or already have), for either a summer term or for an articling year, please let us know! Student memberships in the CCLA are available – find out more and register here. However, if you aren’t sure that you’ll be signing your students up for membership, we’d still be grateful if you could send us a quick note with the names and emails of your students so that we can reach out to them and let them know about the CCLA Library.

As always, please encourage your students to sign up for our free email newsletter at this link. The CCLA News weekly newsletter and special announcements are a vital form of connection for the Ottawa legal community, and we’d love to have them on our list.

HeadStart Ottawa: Legal Research for Articling and LPP Students

In previous years, we’ve held a session exclusively for articling and LPP students called “HeadStart Ottawa.” While we may not have access to our physical space this year, we are delighted to announce that we will be planning a virtual HeadStart program for later this summer. Details on this free session will be available soon, so keep an eye out for that!



Upcoming Legal Research Webinars

As both Thomson Reuters (the publisher of WestlawNext Canada and ProView) and Lexis Nexis (of Lexis Advance Quicklaw) have both extended offers to Ontario legal practitioners for at-home access during the COVID-19 emergency, we at the CCLA have set up some online training on all of these products for you to brush up on your skills!

Lexis Advance Quicklaw Webinar – Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Brush up on your research skills! Join us on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at noon for an hour-long virtual training session on Lexis Advance Quicklaw. If you use this database but could use some fresh instruction on how to use it more effectively, this is the session for you.

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.

There is no cost for this program. Please click here for more information and to register!


WestlawNext Canada Webinar – Tuesday, May 19, 2020 & Thomson Reuters ProView Webinar – Tuesday, May 25, 2020

Brush up on your research skills! Join us online for our free upcoming training on WestlawNext and ProView (e-books and e-looseleafs). Please register at the links below:

These programs has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour each toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.


Personalized Virtual Training Sessions for WestlawNext and ProView – Anytime!

These times don’t work for you? Want something a little different? We’re also pleased to share that you can now schedule your own personalized virtual training session on WestlawNext or ProView with our wonderful trainer, Josée Provost. To schedule a session, please click here!


Upcoming Training @ the CCLA

If you’re looking to get a jump on your 2020 CPD hours *and* brush up on some legal research skills at the same time, look no further! Here are upcoming legal research training sessions we’ll be putting on.

WestlawNext Canada – Thursday, January 30, 2020 @ 12:00 (In-Person) 

WestlawNext Canada training is back! Join us on Thursday, January 30 as we welcome trainer Josée Provost for an hour-long session on WestlawNext Canada. If you use this database but could use some fresh instruction on how to use it more effectively, this is the session for you.

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.

WestlawNext Canada contains a wealth of Canadian primary law, renowned commentary and value-added tools. In this session, we will cover how to:

  • Browse the CED, Canadian Abridgment and other exclusive WLNC content
  • Find specific documents by Citation or Name/Number
  • Link to Citing References and Other Related Documents (Noting up)
  • Perform searches using Plain Language or Boolean Connectors
  • Organize and filter Search Results
  • Work with Documents (Print, Email, Download)
  • Access Your Research History


Jurisource – Juedi, le 13 février 2020 @ 12h (En personne)

Jurisource.ca est une bibliothèque virtuelle qui recense des milliers de ressources tels que : des modèles d’actes, des listes de contrôle, des lexiques, des ressources linguistiques, des infographies, etc.

Me Alexanne Stewart, agente de projet chez Jurisource.ca, vous aidera à vous familiariser avec cet outil très utile pour la recherche juridique et terminologique.

Veuillez noter que la session est gratuite et peut compter à titre d’une heure de droit de fond pour la formation professionnelle continue (FPC) du Barreau de l’Ontario.


Hein Online – Wednesday, February 26, 2020 @12:00 (Webinar)

Did you know that LSO lawyers have free access to HeinOnline, a legal research database that you can use from your office or home? Join us for a lunchtime webinar to learn about the wealth of legal materials available to you and how to access it quickly and efficiently. We will also cover to browse and download journal articles and historical legislation, and how to save time by optimizing your searches.

To cover costs of the webinar, this session is 10$; you can register here. The day before the session, we’ll send you an email with the link you need to get into the webinar. You’ll need either speakers or earphones for your computer.

This session is eligible for 1 substantive CPD hour.


Lexis Advance Quicklaw – Tuesday, March 24, 2020 @ 12:00 (In-Person)

Join us on Tuesday, March 24 a for an hour-long training session on Lexis Advance Quicklaw! If you use this database but could use some fresh instruction on how to use it more effectively, this is the session for you.

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.

In this session:

  • Learn to search the broadest collection of Canadian primary and secondary sources using a refreshingly new design that features a streamlined single intuitive search box allowing you to search as you like. As well, you will learn how selecting favourite sources or pre-search filters can help narrow your starting point.
  • Access extensive content coverage including Canadian Case Law; Case Summaries; Citators; Administrative Decisions; Acts; Regulations; Court Rules; Constitutions; Forms and Precedents; and Textbooks including Halsbury’s Laws of Canada.
  • Discover how to search by name, by source or topic, citation or keyword; navigate and refine search results; deliver documents; note up cases and statutes using the QuickCITE® Case Citator and the QuickCITE® Legislation Citator.
  • Discover how the ‘History Content Pod’ can help you streamline your workflow by viewing your search history, search terms, most recently opened documents, or, by viewing a graphical map of your search activities allowing you to jump right back into any part of your research.
  • See how highlighting and annotating can help you keep track of important and relevant material by saving them to customizable and sharable folders.


CanLII – Thursday, April 16, 2020 @ 12:00 (Webinar)

On April 16th, join us for a lunchtime training webinar on CanLII, the legal research tool that you can use for free from your home or office!

To cover costs of the webinar, this session is 10$; you can register here. The day before the session, we’ll send you an email with the link you need to get into the webinar. You’ll need either speakers or earphones for your computer.

This session is eligible for 1 substantive CPD hour.

Upcoming Library Training

Now that our newly-renovated CCLA lounge is open, we’re pleased to announce our Library Training dates for the fall! All of these sessions will take place in our new boardroom, Suite 2004 at the 161 Elgin St courthouse. You will need a courthouse security pass to enter through the lounge doors, or if you do not have a security pass you can come to the library front desk and we can direct you to the space.

Mark your calendars and RSVP at the links below! These sessions are free to attend.

WestlawNext Canada

Monday, September 23, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 PM; CCLA Nepean Boardroom (161 Elgin St, Suite 2004)

WestlawNext Canada contains a wealth of Canadian primary law, renowned commentary and value-added tools. In this session, we will cover how to:

  • Browse the CED, Canadian Abridgment and other exclusive WLNC content
  • Find specific documents by Citation or Name/Number
  • Link to Citing References and Other Related Documents (Noting up)
  • Perform searches using Plain Language or Boolean Connectors
  • Organize and filter Search Results
  • Work with Documents (Print, Email, Download)
  • Access Your Research History

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.


Thomson Reuters ProView

Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 PM; CCLA Nepean Boardroom (161 Elgin St, Suite 2004)

Many legal secondary sources are now being purchased by firms and courthouse libraries in an electronic format. One of the most popular e-book readers for legal texts is Thomson Retuers ProView. Join us as we welcome trainer Josée Provost for an hour-long session on using this new platform, which holds many of our most popular titles in the library.

ProView is the next generation platform that allows you to view your CCLA looseleaf subscriptions in an online format. In this session, we will discuss:

  • Working with the Table of Contents
  • Performing Keyword Searches
  • Creating PDFs for sharing and printing
  • Locating the latest updates
  • Accessing other ProView titles

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.


Lexis Advance Quicklaw

Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 PM; CCLA Nepean Boardroom (161 Elgin St, Suite 2004)

Join us on Wednesday, October 30 a for an hour-long training session on Lexis Advance Quicklaw! If you use this database but could use some fresh instruction on how to use it more effectively, this is the session for you.

In this session:

  • Learn to search the broadest collection of Canadian primary and secondary sources using a refreshingly new design that features a streamlined single intuitive search box allowing you to search as you like. As well, you will learn how selecting favourite sources or pre-search filters can help narrow your starting point.
  • Access extensive content coverage including Canadian Case Law; Case Summaries; Citators; Administrative Decisions; Acts; Regulations; Court Rules; Constitutions; Forms and Precedents; and Textbooks including Halsbury’s Laws of Canada.
  • Discover how to search by name, by source or topic, citation or keyword; navigate and refine search results; deliver documents; note up cases and statutes using the QuickCITE® Case Citator and the QuickCITE® Legislation Citator.
  • Discover how the ‘History Content Pod’ can help you streamline your workflow by viewing your search history, search terms, most recently opened documents, or, by viewing a graphical map of your search activities allowing you to jump right back into any part of your research.
  • See how highlighting and annotating can help you keep track of important and relevant material by saving them to customizable and sharable folders.

This program has been LSO accredited for 1.0 CPD hour toward the annual Professionalism Requirement.



Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 PM; CCLA Nepean Boardroom (161 Elgin St, Suite 2004)

Your legal research doesn’t have to be time-consuming and expensive. Learn to effectively use one of Canada’s best free resources – CanLII.org. Conduct case law searches, browse recent court and tribunal decisions, find and note up bilingual point-in-time legislation, setup alerts for new cases, and much more!



CCLA Articling & LPP Students Breakfast & Legal Research Primer

On August 22, the CCLA welcomes 2019-2020 articling and LPP students to our breakfast and legal research primer!

Following a light breakfast, students will take a crash course in the legal research they’ll be given over the next year, and how to get the work done. They will also have a chance to tour the CCLA library and learn about all of the resources we have available for to use at absolutely no cost.

This event is free with payment of the CCLA articling student membership registration. For $25 + HST, CCLA Articling Student Membership entitles students to 24/7 access to the CCLA Library, an Ottawa Courthouse Security Card (to bypass security in our courthouse), and other CCLA membership perks.

Registration is capped at 60 students, so make sure to register early!  A waiting list will be established once we hit capacity.

To register (or to register on behalf of your students), please follow this link! If you are already a CCLA student member, please sign in to the site before proceeding and the registration will be free.

Library Tours for Summer Students

With summer students starting in the firms, we’d like to remind everyone that we offer library tours! This year we’re very excited to be able to offer them tours in the newly renovated library! Library tours are a great opportunity to meet library staff and learn about library resources, training opportunities, and legal services to support and assist a legal practice. We also encourage any and all students to sign up for the CCLA Newsletter to begin learning about news, events, and opportunities in the East Region. The newsletter is always free, and not tied to CCLA membership.

Tours will be held beginning May 14 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 AM, and usually take between 15 to 20 minutes. Please email library@ccla-abcc.ca or call 613-233-7386 x221 to schedule a tour.

Upcoming Training: CanLII Webinar

On February 22nd, join us for a 12-1PM training webinar on CanLII, the legal research tool that you can use for free from your home or office! Brush up on your skills on finding cases, note-ups, point-in-time legislation, and to explore their growing collection of secondary materials.

To cover costs of the webinar, this session is 10$; you can register here. The day before the session, we’ll send you an email with the link you need to get into the webinar. Also, in order to hear us, you’ll need to either have speakers or earphones for your computer.

This session is eligible for 1 substantive CPD hour.