Find below recently published Ottawa decisions, available through
Family Matters
CAS v. D.P. (2012 ONSC 6059)
Justice P. Lalonde
Dunn v. Murchison (Dunn), Ministry of Community and Social Services (2012 ONSC 6249)
Justice R. Maranger
The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa v. L.C. and J.C. (2012 ONSC 6100)
child—daycare—parents—injuries—unusual bruising
Justice J. Mackinnon
Lefebvre v. McCullough (2012 ONSC 5757)
Justice R. Beaudoin
Yazdani v. Vuthy (2012 ONSC 6050)
spousal support—children—father—facto custody—interim
Justice P. Annis
Rebus v. Bateman (2012 ONSC 6026)
best interests of the children—parent—father—communications—support
Justice P. Annis
CAS v. CD, AK and SA (2012 ONSC 5986)
paternal grandmother—plan of care—children—youngest—siblings
Justice B. Warkentin
Zheng v. Jiang (2012 ONSC 6043)
house—child support—expenses—unenforceable—income
Justice J. Mackinnon
Shaw v. Shaw (2012 ONSC 5974)
costs—offer to settle—chattels—damages—equalization
Justice J. Blishen
Civil Matters
Hart v. (Canada) Attorney General (2012 ONSC 6067)
notes—litigation privilege—interview—statements—document
Justice M. Linhares de Sousa
Moore v. Republic of Greece (2012 ONSC 5826)
easement—gates—litigation fence—tenement—property
Justice H. Polowin
Callow v. Board of School Trustees (West Vancouver SD #45) (2012 ONSC 6222)
Justice R. Maranger
St. Lewis v. Rancourt (2012 ONSC 5998)
refusals motion—costs—lengthy—substantial—indemnity
Justice R. Smith
Minkofski v. Dost Estate (2012 ONSC 5598)
testator—objector—estate trustees—will—evidence
Master C. MacLeod
Quick Refunds a segment of 1479253 Ontario Inc. v. Dundas (2012 ONSC 5996)
security for costs—dismissal—motion to set aside—loans—delay
Justice P. Annis
Criminal Matters
R. v. Milne (2012 ONSC 5779)
drivers seat—stalled—tow truck operator—control of the motor vehicle—radiator
Justice J. McMunagle
Her Majesty the Queen v. Burton (2012 ONSC 5920)
sentencing—bus—sexual assault—discharge—fresh evidence
Justice R. Maranger
Her Majesty the Queen v. Crooke (2012 ONSC 5923)
probable grounds—arresting officer—reasonable—page—breath
Justice J. McMunagle
R. v. Kenny (2012 ONSC 3760)
Justice J. Parfett
R. v. Garniss (2011 ONSC 5446)
utterances—medications—sawed off shotgun—pills—video
Justice T. Ray
R. v. Capy (2012 ONSC 3822)
cocaine—trafficking—grams—conditional sentence—offences
Justice R. Beaudoin
R. v. Aman (2012 ONCJ 654)
sentence—offence—driving—probation—plea of guilt
Justice H. Perkins-McVey
R. v. Wehbe (2012 ONCJ 653)
conditional sentence—offence—vehicle—probation—cleaning
Justice H. Perkins-McVey