Newly Received Materials from LSUC CPD

Below are some of the most recent CPD materials added to the library collection. Each title links to the book record where you can view more details and the full table of contents. All materials are available in print at the library, or if you’re interested in only a couple of articles, feel free to email us a request for a scanned copy.

The Six Minute Real Estate Lawyer 2016 (November 8, 2016)

  • An update on lawyers’ negligence claims in real estate transactions / Paul Perell
  • Deposits in real estate transactions: protecting the purchaser / Ian Speers
  • Environmental challenges for the real estate lawyer / Rosalind H. Cooper
  • New developments in the registration of notices of lease / Christina Kobi

13th Annual Employment Law Seminar (November 17, 2016)

  • Legislative update: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, and Occupational Health and Safety Act / Janet M. Callfas
  • Top cases in the last year / K.C. Wysynski and Geoff Daley
  • When, where, and why: remedies in employment law / David Thompson and Matthew McKarney

24th Annual Immigration Law Summit (November 22 – 23, 2016)

  • Residency obligation appeals: when is a Canadian business actually a Canadian business? / Cheryl Robinson
  • Provincial and federal judicial remedies / Trevor Guy and Wendy Wright
  • Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) / Robert Stevenson
  • 2016 practice, procedure & administrative cases you might not know about / Ann Margaret Oberst
  • Habeas corpus and immigration detention / Sharon Stewart Guthrie

The 16th Annual Advocacy Conference (December 1, 2016)

  • Professional workshop case study / Christopher Deeley and Laura Coward
  • Top 5 tort cases / Andrew L. Keesmaat and Aaron T. Lewicki
  • Important cases and trends in accident benefits 2016: the insurer’s perspective / Pamela J. Quesnel and David E.W. Koots
  • Can I afford to represent that client? Do I want to lose money? / Robert J. Hooper

Newly Received Materials from LSUC CPD

Below are some of the most recent CPD materials added to the library collection. Each title links to the book record where you can view more details and the full table of contents. All materials are available in print at the library, or if you’re interested in only a couple of articles, feel free to email us a request for a scanned copy.

The Six-Minute Family Law Lawyer 2016 (November 29, 2016)

  • Defeating claims for the partition and sale of the matrimonial home / Cheryl Suann Williams
  • SCC watch 2016 / Martha McCarthy and Linsey Sherman
  • What’s new in collaborative law? / Brian Galbraith
  • Six recent custody and access cases you should know / Daniel S. Melamed and Jennifer L. Wilson

19th Annual Estates and Trusts Summit (November 3-4, 2016)

  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) issues in estate and guardianship litigation / Nimali Gamage
  • Strategies for success in “doomed” dependants’ support claims / Angela Casey and Angelique Moss
  • Case update : 2015-2016 / K. Thomas Grozinger
  • Changing trustees / Jordan Atin, Lesley Donsky, and Elizabeth Legge

Civil Litigation Practice Basics 2016 (October 5, 2016)

  • The initial client meeting and starting and defending the case / Andrew Kalamut
  • Pre-trial conferences and settlements: the basics / Andrew Winton
  • Preparing for trial and post-trial issues / Dena Varah

5th Annual Human Rights Summit (December 8, 2016)

  • Testing for drug and alcohol in the workplace / Bruce Demers
  • Addressing systemic discrimination through the law: a reflective and questioning perspective / Michael Gottheil
  • Major case law update: focus on disability and harassment / Melanie McNaught
  • Accommodating workplace stress, mental disability and other invisible disabilities / Anne M. Gregory

New Titles – December 2016 & January 2017

Along with the new year, we’ve been receiving lots of new editions of titles. We’ve also received titles that are entirely new to our collection, such as The Lawyer’s Guide to the Forensic Sciences and Parliamentary Immunity in Canada.

Another notable addition is the 6-volume set of Canada’s Residential Schools : The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. We have copies in both English and French, which can be found in the New Books section at the front desk.

Check out our list of new acquisitions below:

Federal Courts Practice 2017 (Carswell)

McLeod’s Ontario Family Law Rules Annotated 2016-2017 (Carswell)

The 2016-2017 Annotated Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Carswell)

The 2017 Annotated Ontario Family Law Act (Carswell)

Ontario Family Law Practice, 2017 Edition (LexisNexis)

The 2017 Annotated Divorce Act (Carswell)

The 2017 Annotated Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada (Carswell)

Annotated Ontario Rules of Criminal Practice 2017 (Carswell)

Les droits linguistiques au Canada, 3e édition (Carswell)

The 2017 Annotated Ontario Employment Standards Act (Carswell)

Police Services Act of Ontario: An Annotated Guide, Third Edition (Canada Law Book)

Musicians and the Law in Canada, 4th Edition (Carswell)

Aboriginal Law: Supreme Court of Canada Decisions (Carswell)

Military Justice in Action: Annotated National Defence Legislation, Second Edition (Carswell)

Parliamentary Immunity in Canada (LexisNexis)

Law of the Constitution: The Distribution of Powers (LexisNexis)

Annotated Ontario Securities Legislation, 45th Edition, 2017 (LexisNexis)

The Lawyer’s Guide to the Forensic Sciences (Irwin Law)

Cross-Examination: The Art of the Advocate, 4th Edition (LexisNexis)

Statutory Interpretation, 3rd Edition (Irwin Law)

Conflict of Laws, 2nd Edition (Irwin Law)

Public Lands and Resources Law in Canada (Irwin Law)

The Law of Charitable and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 5th Edition (LexisNexis)

Conduct of a Lien Action 2017 (Carswell)

Continue reading

#ThrowbackThursday: Viola Desmond (1914-1965)

Very exciting news today! Viola Irene Desmond (1914-1965), an iconic civil rights activist, will be the first Canadian woman to be featured on a Canada banknote. A black businesswoman and beautician from Nova Scotia, Viola Desmond was jailed after refusing to leave the “whites only” section at the Roseland Theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in 1946. Viola Desmond’s image will be replacing Sir John A. Macdonald’s on Canada’s new $10 bill in 2018.

Viola Irene Desmond (Winnipeg Free Press)


Viola Desmond took her case to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in Halifax – above is the Notice of Motion. (Nova Scotia Archives). More legal documents associated with this case can be viewed here.


Here is an article from a provincial newspaper covering Viola Desmond’s court case (Nova Scotia Archives).

Sources and Further Reading

Newly Received Materials from LSUC CPD

Below are some of the most recent CPD materials added to the library collection. Each title links to the book record where you can view more details and the full table of contents. All materials are available in print at the library, or if you’re interested in only a couple of articles, feel free to email us a request for a scanned copy.

The Six-Minute Business Lawyer 2016 (June 8, 2016)

  • Franchise law update / Siskinds LLP
  • Privacy and social media minefields: advising business clients how to protect themselves / Kathryn Manning
  • Some recent and noteworthy amendments to Ontario’s Personal Property Security Act / Rob Scavone
  • Doing business with the Canadian public sector / Alexis Levine and Stephanie Console

Criminal Law Practice Basics 2016 (May 7, 2016)

  • Fact scenario / Kimberley Crosbie and David Humphrey
  • Disclosure: the issues before the trial / Danielle Robitaille and Dimitra Tsagaris
  • Pre-trial conferences and trial readiness — resources / Nadia Liva
  • Case law update and new developments in criminal law / Seth Weinstein

Administrative Law Practice Basics 2016 (May 6, 2016)

  • Judicial review and appeals from administrative decisions / Neil Abramson and Marshall Swadron
  • Administrative law: an overview / Freya Kirstjanson
  • Administrative decision-making in immigration and refugee law matters / Chantal Desloges and Samuel Plett

18th Biennial National Conference: New Developments in Communications Law and Policy (May 5 – 6, 2016)

  • What’s the big deal with big data? Hopefully, a fair one / Chantal Bernier
  • A new regulatory framework for the digital ecosystem / Jeffrey Eisenach and Bruno Soria
  • Net neutrality in Canada / Bram Abramson
  • Social media ethics for communications lawyers / Crystal Hulley

New Titles – November 2016

The following list of new titles can now be found in the library:

Ontario Superior Court Practice 2017 (LexisNexis)

Chartes des Droits de la Personne : Législation, Jurisprudence et Doctrine (Wilson & Lafleur)

Macdonell, Sheard and Hull on Probate Practice (Carswell)

Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario 2015-2016 (Carswell)

Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Canada (LexisNexis)

Hutchison’s Search Warrant Manual (Carswell)

The 2017 Annotated Ontario Education Act (Carswell)

Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2016 (Carswell)

The Law of Adjournments: A Manual on Postponement (LexisNexis)

Aboriginal Law, Fifth Edition (Carswell)

Ontario Courtroom Procedure (LexisNexis)

New Titles – October 2016

The following list of new titles can now be found in the library:

Ontario Provincial Offences 2017 Pocket Edition (Carswell)

Ontario Small Claims Court Practice 2017 (Carswell)

Residential Real Estate Transactions, 4th ed. (Emond Publishing)

Code Criminel Annoté 2017 (Carswell)

Federal Access to Information and Privacy Legislation Annotated 2017 (Carswell)

Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis & Inuit Issues in Canada (HighWater Press)

Ontario Civil Practice 2017 (Carswell)

Martin’s Annual Criminal Code 2017 (Carswell)

The 2016-2017 Annotated Ontario Personal Property Security Act (Carswell)

The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis, 2nd ed. (Emond Publishing)

Prosecuting and Defending Youth Criminal Justice Cases: A Practitioner’s Handbook (Emond Publishing)

Rules of Evidence: A Practical Approach, 2nd ed. (Emond Publishing)

Cause of Action: Professional Evidence (Carswell)

Weekend Edition – October 8 & 9

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s going to be a busy weekend no doubt and Jen is off gallivanting in Europe, but here’s what we’re trying to read, watch, and listen to this weekend.


Brenda: “A Home Invasion, A Torture Session, One Lawyer Nearly Killing Another—The Gruesome November Night in One of Washington’s Wealthiest Suburbs.
Next up on my true crime longform reads.

Emily: Dracula – Bram Stoker
Fact about me: I love Halloween. As such, I usually reserve the month of October for reading spooky stories. This classic is simply amazing so far.


Brenda: Luke Cage
I’m sure I’ll find some time to binge-watch this between Jays games and Thanksgiving dinners!

Listening To

Emily: Quirks & Quarks – CBC Radio
I’ll be catching up on fascinating science with last week’s episode, which includes: “The origins of a good beer”, “Powerful microbe fights a crop fungus”, “Looking for life inside the red planet”, and “Trees survive the cold weather”. 

Newly Received Materials from LSUC CPD

Below are some of the most recent CPD materials added to the library collection. Each title links to the book record where you can view more details and the full table of contents. All materials are available in print at the library, or if you’re interested in only a couple of articles, feel free to email us a request for a scanned copy.

The Six-Minute Estates Lawyer 2016 (May 3, 2016)

  • New rules of practice for estates: an overview / Suzana Popovic-Montag
  • Tax update / Paul Gibney
  • Dealing with personal property: the pesky and the practical / Marcia Green
  • The challenges of an insolvent estate: a side-by-side comparison of estate administration and bankruptcy / Benjamin D. Arkin

The Six-Minute Employment Lawyer 2016 (May 26, 2016)

  • Employment contracts: the jurisprudential tug of war continues / Kimberly Alexander and Rhea Kamin
  • Update on summary judgment motions: when should they be used? / Justin Tetreault
  • Ontario’s comprehensive review of the Employment Standards Act / Doug MacLeod and Katelyn Weller
  • Teething problems: the growing pains of workplace harassment legislation in Ontario / Laura Williams and Safina Lakhani

20th Annual Intellectual Property Law: The Year in Review (Jan. 21, 2016)

  • 2015 patent law update / Mark Davis
  • Trademarks update / David Lipkus
  • Copyright developments – 2015 / Margot Patterson and Andrea Rush
  • Trade-mark infringement: where are the courts going with the “use” requirement? / May Cheng, Mark Evans, Trent Horne, and Cynthia Rowden

The Annotated Guardianship Application 2016 (Feb. 25, 2016)

  • Annotated closing letter / Angela Casey and Kaylie Handler
  • The annotated guardianship application: the view of the public guardian and trustee / Jaël Marques de Souza
  • Ethical issues in guardianship applications / Susan Easterbrook
  • One neuron short of a retainer: the capacity to instruct counsel / Clare Burns

Newly Received Materials from LSUC CPD

Below are some of the most recent CPD materials added to the library collection. Each title links to the book record where you can view more details and the full table of contents. All materials are available in print at the library, or if you’re interested in only a couple of articles, feel free to email us a request for a scanned copy.

The Six-Minute Labour Lawyer 2016 (May 26, 2016)

  • Federal labour law 2016: back to the future / Graham Clarke
  • Six recent OLRB cases you should know about / Paula Turtle
  • Criminal liability for workplace hazards / Nadine Zacks
  • Effective remedies for breach of privacy / Katherine Ferreira

The 13th Annual Real Estate Law Summit (April 20-21, 2016)

  • The “stuff” that crossed my desk this past year: new issues and old / Sidney Troister
  • The shape of things to come: real estate effects of demographic and economic change / Russell Mathew
  • Family law considerations for intergenerational transfers / Sarah Boulby
  • Condominium disputes: noise, nuisance & negligence and sometimes nasty neighbours / Nancy Houle

The Six-Minute Municipal Lawyer (May 4, 2016)

  • The test of no new net shadows: is it appropriate in an urban context? / David Bronskill
  • Parkland requirements: latest developments and guidance from the courts / Ira Kagan
  • Municipal accountability / Jennifer Smout
  • Interesting decisions you may have missed over the past year / Chris Barnett

Introduction to the Law on Impaired Driving (June 11, 2016)

  • Roadside stops – what’s the law? / Leila Mehkeri
  • Valid approved instrument demands / Margaux Peck
  • Drinking patterns defenses : now & then / Mitchell Eisen
  • The exclusion of evidence in drinking & driving cases / Jonathan Rosenthal & Shannon O’Connor